Today's Matches:
Millenium vs Copenhagen Wolves
Gambit Gaming vs ROCCAT
Supa Hot Crew vs Fnatic
SK Gaming vs Alliance
Gambit must face first place ROCCAT with a roster comprised almost completely of subs. Can this makeshift team hold its own?
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Name your State Team!
Okay LCS fans....If every major city had a pro team the way, say, the NFL does, what would your state/city's team name be? Tweet your answers to @punklit or leave a comment below, and I'll share the best ones here with you next week! (Be sure to mention both city and team!)
*You non-yanks can fill in your own country/state/city/province/prefecture...
As for us here in Bull City, the choice is obvious. We're The Durham Allistars!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Notice us!
Faker-senpai by Honolein
Just one of the amazing pieces of Fan Art featured on our new Fan Art page. Be sure to check it out!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
MeyeA doing a Strip Tease?
He offered one on twitter today:
So what do you say, Fangirls and this something you would want to see?