Showing posts with label League of Legends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label League of Legends. Show all posts

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Visa Issues Screw Gambit For Wembley

by Jodi "PunkLit" McClure

Due to visa issues, four core members of Gambit will be unable to attend this weekend's EU LCS in Great Britain. Three to six weeks are required for Russian citizens to acquire that visa, and players cannot be abroad during that time, as they have to leave their passports in a consulate.

Gambit learned about the London trip on May 22nd, and could not even apply for an emergency visa without missing two weeks in Cologne. The team stated in a Gambit press release that they are the innocent victims of "organizer's careless actions." Had they been notified in a timely manner, they could have acquired the visas during the off-season without any obstacles.

Riot declined the team's request to reschedule their games and Gambit is reasonably upset about the situation, as it puts them at a great disadvantage. Organizers did try to remedy the problem, but it was too late to find a solution, so now, Gambit can only express condolences to their disappointed fans. 

Their make-shift line-up for the Wembley event will be:

Top - Cabochard 
Jungle - Loulex 
Mid - NiQ
ADC - Fury III
Support - Hiiva 

The temporary members have been added to Riot's Fantasy LCS Website with estimated points.   

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Patch 4.10: What does it mean for the LCS Midlane?

by Reece "Sabrewolf" Dos-Santos

One thing it certainly means is that Nidalee’s 7/0 record in the NA LCS will either stay frozen or begin to pick up some losses. Nidalee’s human form numbers were hit across the board to provide some kind of counterplay and a bit more attractiveness to the cougar form.

The “keep throwing spears from the fog of war and one will hit eventually” gameplay was incredibly frustrating to watch and even more frustrating to play against. Where big damage should usually have some kind of drawback, spears were a guaranteed health bar eater with no positional setback. In the off chance that you were caught, all you needed was a few helpful teammates to wall you off and allow you to pounce away, heal yourself with Primal Surge’s unreasonably high healing output and throw some more.  But Riot were holding nothing back against the Bestial Huntress as her main source of sustain got hit as well. The changes to Athene’s Unholy Grail means it’s not always going to be a must have rushed item for AP mid laners anymore. With the magic resist levels halved and the mana regen lowered it will no longer heavily snowball the mid laner that buys it first, and opens the door to other items like Morellonomicon returning to the meta - especially with the added 5 AP bringing its AP up to 80.

But the Athene’s nerf and the nerfs to mana regen items also opens the door for a new breed of mid laners to reign supreme. Abyssal Sceptre’s 70 AP and 45 MR is now unrivaled if you are looking to pick up AP and MR, especially when factoring in that it lowers enemy MR by 20, meaning if the enemy mid laner decides to pick up Athene’s, you need only get close to them and it’s like they never even had it. The gap closing burst-assassin mid laners like Fizz, Kassadin, Katarina and Lissandra will benefit greatly from this and should look to disturb the current-meta mid laners like Ziggs, Nidalee and Orianna. I predict that Kayle, however, shall remain a highly-contested pick, as the indirect rise of Abyssal Scepter favours her already MR shredding style. With a Wit's End and an Abyssal Scepter under her belt, I don't see how any champion could withstand the huge amounts of MR shred she can dish out without simply bursting her before she gets to you.

But AP items aren’t the only things to change in patch 4.10.

The changes to the BF Sword line of items is a move to ensure that they are all just as equally viable as each other and that will have a huge baring on AD mid laners like Yasuo - who is already a highly-contested pick. With Mercurial Scimitar now providing 80 AD, it cannot be overlooked as a pickup that could benefit any ADC or AD mid laner who is up against a CC-heavy team comp. On top of this, while the loss of stacking upon Bloodthirster will be greatly missed, I believe the overheal shield will be a huge asset to champions like Yasuo, Zed and Talon who look to get into the middle of teamfights, chunk out damage, and live in the process. Yasuo in particular will undoubtedly benefit greatly from the Bloodthirster shield on top of his own passive shield which could only then be enhanced further by a Hexdrinker/Maw of the Malmortius shield, bringing Yasuo’s potential shield count up to three.

Last but not least, another change that will be greatly overlooked is the change to Leblanc’s Q, which will no longer silence, meaning that there is finally counter-play to Leblanc’s high damage output. This change is the best thing for her balance as she still retains her damage like Kassadin but doesn’t leave enemies completely helpless to reply. This leaves Malzahar, Talon and Viktor as the last three mid champs with the ability to silence. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Do you know your Champion Abilities? Take this LCS FanZone Quiz and Find out!

(*Note..Question 3 should read Yorick's "W," not "E".. and Question 8's choice 'C' should read Frost Armor, so you have been warned!)

Friday, June 6, 2014

LCS FanZone Question of the Day

We asked: If you could add a new game mode to LoL..what would it be?

- Each team picks which 5 champs the other team will play. (You can trade with other players on your team). Nuggetsauce ‏@nuggetsauce

- Capture the flag Jose ‏@SporadicJ

- I would like a mode that emphasises the 1v1 aspect of the game. Not sure if you could do anything more creative than showdown. Arron Dempsey ‏@ArronDempers

- One where everyone is normal, but I am slightly buffed so I don't get frustrated as I can't die :p David Fletcher ‏@djfletcherer

- Hide and Seek would be awesome... people already do it in customs, but a mode of it would be so much fun! And the seeking team would be able to have 1 Rengar in the team xD Hopping all over! Monstro ‏@PokeBoobies

- Something similar to Dota's Ability Draft. Jesse Raen-Saunders ‏@VocalTerrorist

- Ability draft! It's a game mode from Dota 2. Pretty fun! But I didn't know how to play the game so it was really confusing too. Judar ‏@PikaJudar

- A mode where you pick any champion and any 4 abilities. Lucian with wish for his ult for example. Adam Cowley ‏@adz250

- Death match. 10 champs in an arena start at lvl 18 full items. NE0 Jets ‏@Jetslove81

- Free for all, every man for himself. SabreTilt ‏@SabrewoIf

- I was thinking of something like a normal mode but with minions spawning faster and faster throughout the game. Minions invasion. Jhyrar Baenre @Jhyrar

- I think would be nice to chose (to play) every minion from the map.. hmm ..baron drake minions wraths =)) donno sounds stupid?  Summer ‏@summmeryy

- That is an easy one, make a map, sword and shield style. 4v4v4!! :) three teams In a minion spawn point capture style. Mod bro ‏@Aust_Modbro

- Faction wars would be fun. Branch ‏@ThatGuyBranch

- 3v3 arena with everyone at max level, pillars etc to block skill shots and buffs that appear in specific places.  Amber ‏@kikuzLoL

- 6 player FFA arena last man standing, with an evolving map with randomized effects such as firebreathing statues and pitfalls. Lullaby ‏@LullabyGaming

- a story mode maybe. Chaz ‏@xheshire

- I have 2 ideas. Make all ults global, or instead of the nexus, there is a Baron Nashor at each base you need to kill. Accio Pwns ‏@AccioPwns

- Some mini games with skill shots or stuff like that. Token ‏@Fayetoken

- Somewhat of a tower defense game. Zack | 달 ‏@ChubsLoL

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What Are You Doing Under There?

 League in the Land Down Under 

by Jodi "PunkLit" McClure

Hyper-excited shoutcasters are calling the end of a game. Colored lights flash over frenzied fans, who watch the match with raised arms. The clacking of thundersticks is heard as the nexus explodes. Riot's logo appears, followed by a smoky beige video of players posed with crossed arms, appearing dangerous and determined as they stare down the camera. It looks, for all intents and purposes, like any other day in the LCS, save for one interesting factor. This is the Autumn Regionals in Australia, and you've probably never heard of most of these fellows.

While we generally pay attention to European and Asian Leagues, we give very little notice to what goes on in the land down under. League in Oz is as mysterious to us as life in the outback, and it's only during the wildcard phase of Worlds that we tend to give the Oceanic scene any consideration at all - but they're certainly not unworthy. 
Prior to receiving their own server last year, Australian league fans had to endure terrible pings and crushing lag. Despite this, their team Immunity still managed a valiant showing at Worlds, holding their own against CJ Blaze and finishing the group stage tied for second.

Even though the Oceanic League resembles our LCS, it's layout is very different. Teams qualify for the Autumn and Winter Regionals through a number of smaller tournaments, and then the top eight teams play in what is known as "the round of 8," an online, streamed B03 event that runs for three weeks.  The top four teams then compete live on stage in the Autumn or Winter Finals, and the winner gets a buy into either the Winter Regionals or the Wildcard Tournament, with the hopes of moving on to the World Championships in Korea.

Viewership of these Regionals (and playing of LOL in general) has been growing at a rate quite similar to what the NA LCS experienced in its first year of production. Riot now rebroadcasts the NA LCS on Twitch during primetime Australian hours. Combine this with big NA names such as Dignitas and Curse picking up Australian rosters, and Australian fans are starting to pay a lot more attention to the NA LCS. The broadcast definitely has its fans.

Among the Oceanic League, Team Immunity has the largest following, although Avant Garde Ascension is knocking on their door. Each team has its own gaming house, a strong social media presence, and its share of popular streamers. (Like Minkywhale from Avant and Raydere from Immunity.)

Assuming the Oceanic Regionals continue to follow the path of the LCS, given a few more years, the Australian teams should be achieving the same large scale growth and fame that EU and NA LCS players are experiencing now. Currently, the Aussies have just completed the first week of their Winter Round of 8, so if you have any interest in watching, now is the time to check them out! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

NA Summer Split Preview:

Things are HEATING UP in the NA LCS!

by Pieter "antdriote" Cnudde

All-Stars is over and Korea still owns us all. But how did this off-season really affect the NA LCS scene? Many teams have made significant adjustments and this is my breakdown of all the teams and how beneficial those changes should be for them.

-Cloud 9: 1st Place team in the Spring Split (regular and playoffs).

Even without Hai, they had a good run at All-Stars. They've been the best team in NA for two splits in a row and they are the only LCS team that has stuck with their line-up. C9 works great together and every role has accomplished players. Balls was a big carry during All-Stars, the bot lane held their own, and Meteos is still praised by junglers worldwide. While Hai couldn't show his skill against Faker or the other mid laners at All-Stars, he's eager to play with the team again and prepare for worlds.

They come out of the off-season with all the benefits: no roster swaps, excellent synergy and good international experience from All-Stars. They are the smartest tactical team in NA and probably have learned a thing or two from playing SKT T1 K. The only thing that could hold them back would be Hai’s health.

Prediction: First place -  99% sure for both playoffs and regular season.

-Counter Logic Gaming: 3rd Place team in the Spring Split (regular and playoffs).

Top laner Nien voluntarily left CLG after folding to fan criticism following his weak performance during the playoffs. CLG immediately started searching for a suitable replacement. Shin "Seraph" Woo Yeong presented himself to CLG’s coach and he is now living in the CLG gaming house to see if he can work with the team. A substitute for Najin White Shield in OGN, the mechanically-sound Seraph has been wrecking NA solo queue since the day he arrived in LA, playing a wide variety of champions from meta picks like Renekton and Shyvana to less orthodox picks like Lissandra and Yasuo. His English is good enough for in-game communication and he has a great work attitude. Little LAN experience is his only downfall. (He's played just one OGN game in his life.) Only the future will tell how strong the "shinergie" will be with his team.

Doublelift and Link should bring fresh All-Stars' insight on Cloud 9 and the international teams. CLG might struggle a bit in the beginning of the season (a new player always takes time to adapt,) but Seraph really wants this and he'll work hard to help them become a great team.

Prediction: Top 2 or 3 at least and might upset C9 in the playoffs.

-Team SoloMid: 2nd Place team in the Spring Split (regular and playoffs).

Sadly, the General stepped down, replaced by MVP jungler, Amazing, from the Copenhagen Wolves. Amazing has shown brilliance in the EU LCS and ended the split with the highest KDA and total gold for a jungler. Nervous TSM fans will point out that the team picked him up without trying him first, but Regi has never made a bad roster choice in the past. Mechanically, Amazing is definitely an upgrade for TSM. TheOddOne lived his glory days. He had issues adjusting to the new jungle and his pressure and duel skills were probably the worst in the league.

The departure of Xpecial was a big surprise. At first benched for his attitude, Reggie then traded him to Curse. Now Gleeb, former support player for Cloud 9 Tempest, is taking up the role. I don’t feel Gleeb is an upgrade for TSM. He is a challenger support with little experience at the top level and TSM lost a good shot-caller in Xpecial. However, he could bring some new life to the team.

This is the first time TSM has replaced two players at once, so it might take time for them to get back into form. They are a strong team that, with even poor shot-calling, could still beat most of the lower LCS teams.

Predictions: Top 4 in regular split, will try and compete for worlds. Can only go super wrong if the new players don’t fit with the team and more swaps or time is needed.

-Dignitas: 4th Place in the regular split and 5th in playoffs.

Dignitas narrowly escaped relegations by beating Coast in the playoffs with the aid of retired player, Scarra (who is now their coach). The team received an upgrade in mechanics with Zionspartan and Shiphtur, but neither player brings much by way of shot-calling ability or insight. Strategy-wise, Dig is still a very low tier team. As a coach, Scarra will try to fix many of these issues so they can contend for a top slot again. Dig now has three strong lanes, but they need to have a good transition into the mid game and fix their shot-calling issues. I don’t feel they will grow insanely this split, but they can work towards the next split and make life hard for most teams.

Predictions: Around 3-6  in regular and semis in playoffs.

-Curse: 5th Place in the regular split and 4th in playoffs.

Pleased after ending fourth, Curse didn't seem to look for a roster swap until they saw the opportunity to pick up Xpecial as their new support. Xpecial seems like an advantage for the Curse line-up:  a decent shot-caller and top NA support to help Cop realize his full potential.Curse has always shown great early strategies and fighting ability, but they look like a group of kids playing the game for the first time when they go past the 20 minute mark. Hopefully some coaching and the addition of Xpecial's voice will help Curse become stronger in the upcoming split. Both Curse and Dig have made mechanical upgrades, but their core issues are still there, so they are pretty even to each other. Curse will have problems in their solo lanes, though, in the head-to-head games.

Prediction: Around 3-6 in regular and maybe semis in playoffs.

-Evil Geniuses: 7th Place in regular split.

The only team that didn't get relegated during the promotions tournament. They haven’t announced any official roster swaps but are supposedly doing some try-outs. EG will need to improve a lot in their laning and skirmishes. They are tactically not the worst team in NA, but they fall too far behind in gold to fight for the objectives they want to take.

Innox has a small champion pool with almost no meta picks. He might become more relevant now that the tank meta top is shifting a bit. Pobelter seems to be godlike, but only on rare occasions. When he finishes high school in June, he should be able to work on his consistency and perhaps live up to the hype that surrounded him earlier in the season. Help will still be needed for Snoopeh and Yellowpete, who don’t seem to be able to handle the competition in their respective roles. The try-outs might help EG a bit, but if they just get outplayed mechanically, it will be hard for them to win a lot of games. I’m fearing for the boys in blue - but there's always hope.

Prediction: 6-8 (and probably relegations again).

-LMQ (aka Chinese overly-hyped train)

Yes, LMQ swept the challenger scene. No, they won’t just come in and win NA LCS. You put any LCS team in challenger and they will also dominate the scene (eg. Coast in NACL) but that doesn't mean they would be tops in the LCS. LMQ is created from a secondary Chinese team that has great mechanical players (like most Chinese teams) but they lack any strategy and seem to experience a lot of LAN nerves.

LMQ will make every game hard for the bottom teams because they mechanically outclass them. They can win the solo queue way - stomping lanes and having better team fights. But the smart teams can just avoid the fights they don’t want and play safe or use lane-swapping to diminish the early lane bullying from the Chinese team. C9 showed at IEM and All-Stars that Chinese teams can be beaten and this team is much weaker than WE and OMG. I don’t see the team picking up an analyst or coach anytime soon, so they will probably be a Chinese TSM - strong lanes, good fights, but poor decision making. We’ll see how far they can make it in the split against the growing NA scene.

Predictions:  3-5 in regular and semis in playoffs.


The third-seeded challenger team may have beaten Coast, but they don’t look any better than them. Westrice had great issues against Zion and it seems only PR0LLY is really at a decent level to compete in the LCS. They are just a challenger team that will soon realize their solo queue mentality alone won’t make them a successful team in the LCS.

Predictions : 7-8 (At this point, I don’t see a way that Complexity can avoid relegation.)

The first Superweek will give us a better view how the teams look with their new rosters. The teams that ended the LCS with the same rosters they have now will have a great advantage going into playoffs and should be the highest seeded teams.

Thanks for reading my NA LCS preview. Thoughts or comments? Leave them below or tweet me @antdrioite

Thursday, May 15, 2014

LCS Central's Question of the Day!

We asked:
What Champion was the hardest for you to learn?
Certain Champions appeared to be more vexing than others! Here's some of what you had to say:

  • Elise! First transforming champion I played so I ended up getting confused a lot and just button mashing hoping for the best - Judar ‏@PikaJudar
  • Bought Elise, played a game, refunded. Bought Khazix, played a game, got mecha Khazix. - Brandeezy ‏@Im_Brandeezy
  • Elise. Several attempts and I'm still none the wiser. Orianna is the same. I just get nowhere with them. - кαчʟεıɢн ‏@Kayleighh_x
  • Elise :P It's the transforming that gets me haha, so many choices. - Heather ‏@owlxie
  • Elise. She was my first transformation champ :3 but last year she was my main. - Conrad Von Newman ‏@BaronVoNewman 
  • Leblanc for me, as a main jungler it was so hard at first. - Alexandre S. ‏@eclecticvenus 
  • Leblanc. There's something very beautiful about playing Leblanc, it's either get fed or feed, it's like art. For me, I was fart. - Martin Eriksson ‏@PyunTaeFoo
  • Simply Leblanc :). Every time I play her, I'm confused which build or combo should I go to maximize her damg. Plus her E is hard. - Rays ‏@RaysPham
  • Leblanc. I can play any other champ fine, haha. - Narokuu 死の天使 ‏@Narokuu
  • Still can get the hang of Draven, so many things to keep track of in order to optimize your use of him. Making sure to use axes to cs for passive, catching axes, keeping 2 up, refreshing W constantly, it's so much to do. - Arron Dempsey ‏@ArronDempers
  • Ryze and Draven, I've tried so hard to learn those two because they're both really strong but I just can't do it. - Dominic Broadhead ‏@HanzoKurosawa 
  • I still think Draven was one of the hardest ADCs to master. Hitting that catch and throw rhythm isn't always easy. - Alec C ‏@Gambit_Le3tha 
  • Draven x) - Reflexink ‏@Reflexink
Vayne, Orianna and Syndra:
  • Might have been Vayne for me, she can only apply AA but her movement coordination is so difficult if you wanna live while dealin dmg. - Waljakovo ‏@Waljakovo
  • Vayne for me but now I'm God with her. - joshua röder ‏@RderVayne
  • Vayne and Syndra :3 - foxxy ‏@letsgetfoxxy 
  • Syndra. She's not the champ for me. I tried once and I gave up in life. XD - Kristaaaaal ‏@FluffyKristal
  • Vayne + Orianna for me, still learning! - Connor Spaulding ‏@ConnorSpaulding
  • Orianna. I can never keep track of the ball :/ - Joey ‏@TheRockHD
  • Ori. She balled way too hard for me. - Kerwin ‏@CaiusTSR
Zed, Kha'Zix, Rumble:
  • I can not play Zed. I suck xD for some reason I can only play with mages. I gotta work on dat lol - Mayu Amu Hinamori ‏@MayuAmuHinamori
  • Kha'Zix. He was the first I ever loved playing although I sucked. Now he's one of my best. - Lux ‏@adorbss
  • Rumble, he doesn't have the same mechanics as any other character, and eventually I settled to be mediocre with him. - Aaron Zeatlow ‏@A_zargast
  • Rumble was very tough for me, I prob can't play him anymore - Pieter Cnudde ‏@antdrioite
  • I can't play Zed to save my life. - Yamustache ‏@LoLYamazuya
And surprisingly...Ashe:
  • Ashe..and Varus..sad I know I can play Ori with no problems but ask me to use an arrow and it's like I'm a nub or sumthin. Katie Diegan ‏@kate_diegan 
  • Ashe. I'm not a good ADC as it is, and I am not a fan of auto-attacks. Rito pls nerf. - Jt 'Ribbwich' Egbert ‏@_ribbwich
  • Ashe, after 2,5 years I still cannot play her. - Victor KlebΞrg ‏@zquaredninja
Twisted Fate, Jinx, Varus and Irelia also got a couple of mentions. So kudo's to anyone who can play these champions've mastered other people's nightmares. :) 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Here a Braum, there a Braum...

Everywhere a Braum...Braum...

New Champions - Insta-locked and played like crazy for a week after their release. With little exception, every normal I played today had two Braums in it, each throwing up their cool ass shields and laying out their spiky blue lines of death. Our happy little rift poros were certainly well-protected! Personally, I found Braum just annoying enough to make a great lane opponent, and just kill-able enough to not seem ridiculously OP. I declare him amazingly well-balanced straight out of the box. The question is, will we still see him next week, or will players return to Leona and more traditional tanky supports?

So what do you think, Summoners? Is Braumania here to stay? 

Monday, May 5, 2014

LCS Central's Question of the Day!

We asked:

Which team do you think will benefit most from their off-season changes?
And here's what you had to say - 

‏@meltotheany said: I hope #Dignitas because I'm a fangirl and #CLG because they will be so scary if Seraph is 100% confirmed as their starting top!

@LoLDecayd said: Seraph hype train incoming. But I think Dignitas/Curse benefited the most.

@Gentleman_Joey said: Love Dig's moves. Zions an amazing top laner and they got arguably the 2nd best mid in NA last split. Dig looks good.

‏@Reckcer  said: Fixing the weak solo laners on Dig will definitely be the most beneficial thing to happen for a team.

‏@JessuehCosplay said: Have to go with TSM again, Amazing will most likely get coaching by TOO to adjust to NA, also new support wind. looking strong!

‏@packieeeeee said: If Seraph stays on CLG then CLG it is. But since that isn't 100% sure yet I'll go for Curse!

‏@COGAvenger said: I'd have to say TSM, TheOddOne coaching and some new players put them in a great position - just what they need to break the slump!

‏@DSherony said: I really could talk about this for hours. C9 probably benefits most from all the off-season changes everyone else has something new.

‏@AndrewGridah said: Removing legacy members like OddOne and Xpecial might just put TSM in the position to take 1st place finally in this upcoming split.

‏@n_Fatic said: I'd say @TeamCurseGaming, imo, got the best support in NA/EU on their team. If IWDominate steps it up next split then who knows!

‏@kate_diegan said: I don't know about changes but I think EG will make it big next split. i think they need the whole team under 1 roof to make magic happen.

‏@JoeyDevaux said: Honestly, I think it's Curse. If Xpecial shows up to play then I think he'll dimensionalize the line up.

‏@AmunyLoL said: Dignitas. They now own very strong laners, and I can't wait to see how Crumbz will be able to apply pressure more freely.

‏@cbgaara said: Definitely clg. Having a consistent high level top laner will help them out greatly

‏@Konman81 said: CLG, a high mechanical top laner is almost the missing piece for them.

‏@Fenixsniper said: CLG! From #3 to #2 or 1 ez

‏@salicylism said: Probably DIG. Very good additions to their roster.

‏@rHougs said: Dig and C9, digs new solo owners are massive and C9 not making any changes is pretty smart

‏@irvomusyoka said: Dignitas!! They now have a very strong midlaner and their toplane can carry hard at times! As well as the legendary kiwipie bot!

‏@RderVayne said: i think Dignitas have strong players now if they can handle their shot calling then they will be strong next split.

‏@nuggetsauce said: After watching CLG's new top laner, they got a lot stronger.

‏@thebadw0lf_ said: Dignitas!

Looks like Dignitas picked up a lot of new fans and support this week. What do you think, #LCS Friends? :) 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

LCS eSports Question of the Day:

Curse Voice is a third-party add-on to League that allows for team voice chat, but its overlay also includes Champion Ultimate and Jungle timers. Some players love the idea while others feel this is an unfair advantage over people who don't install it. So our Question of the Day, LCS Fans, is: 

Curse Voice...Good or Bad?

And here's what you had to say:

‏@ArronDempers wrote: Bad. Curse seem intent on monopolizing the league scene as far as they can, even in comms. Not a good thing for growing scenes.

‏@ste_coolname123 wrote: I don't need a client to tell me ultimates cd as long as I can follow the action/simply ask teammates, and I think lol is one of those games which should be chat-less so, not even a bit interested in oral communication.

‏@D3nn0s wrote: I don't know.. I like the ult timer of allies but that's it. But I agree with people who say Riot must implement it so either everybody has it or nobody has it. The automatic timer (even tho you have vision) is a terrible thing imo..

‏@Chef_Lu_Bu wrote: haven't used it. I'm not a fan of, as I understand, it keeping track of things like camp spawns and such. I think that memorization of spawn timers is something indicative of a skill-cap. Not every player can FADC in street fighter, and the game doesn't do it for you, because you're supposed to learn it on your own.

‏@Konman81 wrote: I think its good because it is forcing players to get better about timers... Watching diamond games players already time everything.

‏@the_grimmia wrote: It's not like timers are hard to remember. Buffs are five, drake is six, and baron is seven. It's math. Use a calculator rofl.

‏@DungOhBeetle wrote: Jungling since start of season 3, getting the timers wasn't hard for me, people complaining about static timers is moot. I think the only problem is it third party software, if riot patched in auto timers people would still bitch and moan, but at least it would promote some strategy around objectives for those who don't strategize at all in the game.

‏@JamesConnor wrote: I think in the sense of pushing Riot to integrate systems like this into the game, it's good. Dota does fine with voice in game

‏@SearchThisCity wrote: Regardless of the whole spawn timer debate, its a very solid and reliable communication system, its better than skype!

‏@Gregorok wrote: Curse voice is good, doesn't really give unfair advantage. One could only wish that Riot would have done it themselves.

‏@PyunTaeFoo  wrote: I think the idea is great, but not releasing it in full limits teams, if you have it you have an advantage and if you don't, well..Knowing timers is just gonna tell you when dragon or baron respawns, it still won't save bad players from bad rotations. Koreans play in windowed mode and keep timers in a wordpad, this is basically the same except you don't have to manually enter it.

‏@Fighter9363 wrote: Its good with all the timers and stuff and the chat thing when you can talk with your teamates is awesome!

‏@spdivr1122 wrote: Good. All it does is give you ult timers and baron/dragon time if you had vision. Nothing else.

@GoonLvOver9000 wrote:  the voice comms part is golden, the timers are broken and bad for the game

Thursday, April 17, 2014


EU LCS Finals Prediction by Jeremy “Ne0 Jets” Heimann

Fnatic (17-11) vs SK Gaming (18-10) 
                                                                 Season series won 3-1 by SK Gaming

     Fnatic is LCS Royalty. Winners of both the Spring and Summer Playoffs in 2013 and close runners-up at IEM Katowice 2014, Fnatic started the split going 7-0 and looked like the team to beat. Then they lost eight in a row and their place among the top contenders was in serious jeopardy. The team was able to recover and finished strong with a  record of 10-3 coming down the stretch. The team is very experienced in the playoffs save for Rekkles, the boy wonder.
     Rekkles, at the age of 16, was a huge part of Fnatic defeating CLG EU and winning Winter Dreamhack 2012. Rekkles is fearless out on the rift  - making plays that are usually setup by his support Yellowstar. The bottom lane combo has been deadly this season. Former ADC Yellowstar knows the ins and outs of the role and has great  synergy with Rekkles. Mid lane doesn't require much introduction. It is Fnatic's own Xpeke, famous for his back door Kassadin play. He doesn't run teleport mid much anymore, but teams still strive or fail based on how the center of  the map is going. Xpeke led the whole of EU LCS in kills this split with 125 total kills. Patch 4.5 hasn’t been so kind to Xpeke having his most played champion Gragas nerfed hard. Champions I see him aiming to get in champ select are Leblanc, Nidalee and Orianna.
     Top lane Soaz has one of the deeper champion pools and he isn't afraid of anyone. He does his job time and again. His top lane Lulu came up huge in the semifinals and he isn't scared to play anything top. He also likes playing Trundle against tanky tops so whatever Freddy122 comes up with he will have an answer for. In the jungle is Cyanide. He has a lot of games on Elise this season. He also plays Lee Sin and Vi. I don’t expect any target bans thrown his way. He has been a very solid jungler for some time, but he needs to be a play maker more.

     SK Gaming wasn't expected to finish at the top of the spring season. Many predicted them to be near the bottom of the league. They were also pushed to their limits during regulations by Supa Hot Crew. N-rated has been on fire lately in the support role - setting up most of what SK does in lane and in team fights. SK is team-oriented, living or dying with what the team does as a whole and not individually. A weakness I could see is in mid lane, Jesiz. Twelve of his eighteen wins are on three champs: Ziggs, Nidalee and Orianna. He has tried to learn new champs such as LeBlanc, but has had mixed results when he is forced off his comfort picks. A strategy could be to ban those three champs and force him onto something he isn't comfortable with.
     Freddy122 has been a beast with the tanky top meta. He has an impressive five out of five wins on Trundle. Svenskeren has impressive win rates with Eve, Pantheon and Elise. With the recent Pantheon nerfs, I don’t see him looking that way. Eve and Elise will be high priority. I don’t think he would care which one he got as long as it was one of the two. Candypanda’s Vayne gets banned out a lot, but he has nearly identical win rates on Lucian and Jinx. He laughs at the Vayne bans because it does not hurt him or his team at all.

Prediction: Fnatic wins a close series 3-2. Experience in the playoffs will tilt the series.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

An Interview with Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere

Foreword by Jodi McClure

Belgium-born Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere is a paradox in a world of contradictions. Neither overtly sexy nor overtly a nerd, the LCS's alluring hostess still manages to be both of those things with the effortless ease of person who has been born into their position. She is EU LCS royalty, the queen of the court. But she is also the lone female in a heavily male dominated world - a world that probably would have been just as fine had the microphone been thrust into the hands of some busty airhead in hot pants and six-inch spiked heels. 

Surviving and thriving in that potentially hostile environment is a testament to Eefje's intelligence and resourcefulness. This is no airhead they've stuck on the stage. This is a platinum level player with a Masters degree in both History and Journalism, and she knows the game inside and out. Her smile is warm and welcoming, her voice confident and demure, but with a single flash of her dangerous eyes, she can put a barrier around herself, warning any fool who dares to cross it. Delicate in appearance but tough as nails, the stage is her hood and she's got street smarts.  

At once both dignified and playfully coy, reticent and outgoing, she is a living Schrodinger's Cat, managing to exist in two different states while tying them both together, and the fact that she is revered by both male and female fans alike speaks volumes to her success. Standing on a pedestal in the middle of an infamously toxic crowd, nary a condescending word is hurled in her direction. She is loved and cherished across the board, and we are honored to have her as our first LCS Central interview.  


Interview with Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere

by Andy L. Bloodvayne

First off, I'd like to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to do this interview. Everyone at LCS Central is a big fan of yours. So the spring split of the EU LCS is closing out. How do you see your progression as a host since its start?

- I definitely feel like I have grown a lot since the start of Season 3 - so last year. As time went on I've moved a way a little from the pure 'Hosting' role and been able to do things like anchor the Analysis desk at the Battle of the Atlantic - I'm very happy that I am able to grow in that role.

Do you feel your understanding of the game and its dynamics has deepened since becoming host and therefore become a more integral part of the show?

- Absolutely - although I still need to learn a lot more. The LCS environment is so great to learn about the game. First off you work in a team of casters that do nothing but talk about the game most of the time, and with analyst's like Quickshot, Deficio and Jatt who I very much look up to. Besides that, talking to pros during LCS and watching all the game most certainly improves the game knowledge. That and playing, of course!

How far in advance do you start prepping for each LCS week?

- When LCS is on Thursday and Friday we prep Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and then of course additional script read-throughs and rehearsals the day of the show itself. Monday we set out the storylines for that week and start fleshing out the script, to finalize it on Wednesday. The other time is spent looking back at VODs of games both to look at teams playstyles and to review our own performance, watch games from other Leagues like OGN or NA LCS, play ourselves and other forms of preparation.

What's been your favorite part about your job? Any fond memories come to mind?

- The coolest part for me is getting to live these grand moments together with the fans who also live and love League of Legends. It always touches me when someone comes up to thank us for what we are doing because they enjoy the shows - when we should also be thanking them :)

What's your opinion on the several YouTube videos that have gone somewhat viral in the league community (Fnatic Cyanide checks out Sjokz,, Peke flirts with Sjokz, etc.)? Do you see them as harmless fun or is there a small part of you that finds them irritating?

- I think that most of it is harmless fun and we often sit around and laugh at the videos people make of us as well. It's part of being in the public eye that people make these things and if its funny, why not! I have a good sense of humor but there are limits of course. If I was dating everyone I am rumored to be dating I would have a very busy life! ;)

Do you have any long term goals in the e-sports industry? Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

- That is something I actually think about a lot myself - where is this leading, where am I going, the good old questions of life. But I recently realized that I wanna be where I am right now and grow as much as possible in this role. I adore League of Legends and I love this job and everything that comes with it, and I want to make the best of it for the longest time possible. And after? The sky is the limit!

Getting back to the LCS, NA seems to lack a host, opting for “analyst desk” interviews. Do you think it would benefit for them to find their own Sjokz figure or do you think that each region provides a unique flavor in its formats?

- We actually don't have a host per se on stage anymore as we did last year either. Both NA and EU LCS now have two people conducting interviews or analysis, a very similar setup. I feel like this is the best way as well. I certainly feel like people sometimes say 'NA needs a Sjokz' and just mean 'NA needs a girl!' and that is not the right approach!

How involved do you get in player drama? Since Riot's videos makes player's (and teams) personal dramas part of the show, do you keep up on what's going on in the team's lives?

- I don't feel like we ever delve deep into 'drama' that players themselves don't want to portray. The things we talk about are relevant to the storylines of the #LCS or have been brought up by the pros themselves on social media. Backstage or after shows I of course pick things up here and there, but that is not for publication! :)

To wrap things up, what are your predictions for the EU play-offs? Is there a team that stands out to you that will win and represent Europe in this year's All-Stars?

- It's going to be so incredibly close, especially on the new patch! I feel like Gambit is a team that can do very well pulling out new strats and they thrive in these tournament environments. Fnatic and Alliance have also shown that if they're on point, they are razor sharp. And then what about the first seed SK-Gaming? What can CW and Roccat show after a week of intense training? I can't predict anything, and isn't that the best thing? :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

LCS eSports Question of the Day:

Question of the Day:

How long do you think the LCS can conceivably last on its present map?
Here were some of your responses:

‏@TheRealTZT wrote: Until the internet dies and explodes #LCS

‏@AverageGuyNA wrote: I give it 3 more years, just like anything, everything has to end.

‏@nuggetsauce wrote: I think they're already expanding the map with NACS. They need to open up LCS size though, and perhaps double the number of games.

@Joe_Sorci wrote: I think for LoL to be relevant in the future They need to make the bad champs good You see the same champs every game #GetsOld

‏@SFFpunk wrote: StarCraft is still relevant today and it went competitive long ago. I think LOL is more popular, so I don't see it going away soon. I can see Riot making minor tweaks to Rift, but sports don't change fields, and I view LoL as more sport than game.

‏@CheetahBotVeLoL wrote: Considering competitive Tetris is still around...League will be alive & an e-sport for quite a long time if Rito plays this right.

‏@Matheson_Allen wrote: 2 more seasons

‏@Prof_Random wrote: Depends on how many champions are going to have getaways that let them go through terrain. Thresh is broken for that in a way

@CoC_Pepitas wrote: Truthfully it's hard to say. Starcraft had a 10 year cycle and was never this ingrained in the culture. I'm saying 5+.

‏@Zeke640 wrote: No other pro sport changes it's field, I don't see why LCS needs to. New champs, players, and strategies are what keep it alive.

‏@RobMeyer7 wrote: Seems the history of MOBAs + LoL presents different maps as diversions or alternates to the *main* 5v5 map. Obviously MOBAs =/= RTSs when it comes to map rotations. Has any MOBA ever switched its main focus map? So I guess my answer is: how long the present map lasts is equal to how long the LCS will last & since that itself is a non-answer to your original question, I say LCS will last another 5 years, all on its current map. :)

@SabrewoIf wrote: A S-Rift Upgrade will come at the right time and bring a whole new feel to the game, thats why SR hasnt gotten any skins recently


Tuesday April 15
EU LCS Spring Playoffs - Quarterfinals

11:00am est Alliance vs Copenhagen Wolves
1:00pm est Roccat vs Gambit

Best of 3 Series


Wednesday April 16
EU LCS Spring Playoffs - Semifinals

11:00am est Fnatic vs Alliance
1:00pm est SK Gaming vs Roccat
4:00pm est for fifth place - Gambit vs Copenhagen Wolves

Best of 3 Series


Thursday, April 17
EU LCS Spring Playoffs - 3rd Place
11:00 am TBA v TBA
Best of 3 Series

EU LCS Spring Playoffs - Finals
1:00pm TBA v TBA
Best of 5 Series

*All times are Eastern Standard Zone  GMT -5

Sunday, April 13, 2014


BY Jeremy “Ne0 Jets” Heimann

    Season series 3-1 in favor of ALLIANCE

COPENHAGEN WOLVES last beat Alliance January 14th, all the way back at the start of the spring split. During the split, the Wolves were led by Amazing in the jungle with a 4.1 KDA and their ADC, Forg1ven, with a 3.7 KDA ratio. While the two of them led the team by stats, they really need to get their Mid, Cowtard, and Top Lane, Youngbuck, off to better starts. Each of them averaged only around 2.5 KDA. Youngbuck has shown that his Heimerdinger Top is scary and I expect it to be banned out. I also expect him to fall back to Renekton whenever possible.

ALLIANCE, the Superteam, failed to live up to the media hype that surrounded their name early on. Lack of synergy, poor positioning, weak champion pools and individual egos all contributed to their inconsistency, but eventually they learned to work as a unit and managed to finish the spring split just short of First Place. Froggen has a 72.9% kill participation, probably because of his Karthus play. Even when he isnt on Karthus, he is always around when the team fights break out, and he's not someone you can ban out easily. ADC Tabzz is third in average KDA, sitting at a solid 5.5 (higher then anyone on the Wolves.) Tabzz and Nyph have really grown as a Bot Lane team and should be feared. Shook and Wickd both averaged around 3.0 KDA and are the key reasons why Alliance finished 3rd this split. Shook likes early game Junglers while Wickd tries to counter the meta with Trundle or Irelia.

Prediction ALLIANCE 2-1 win. 

      Season series 3-1 in favor of ROCCAT

GAMBIT may have lost three games to ROCCAT but they won the most recent and they still have a chance to get the last laugh in this playoff series. Gambit is a playoff machine and they play better when they've had some boot camp time. They finished fourth at IEM Katowice when just before that they were looking shaky. You cant base what Gambit will do on the regular season. This team comes ready to play and goes up a notch when its elimination time. Gambits Mid Laner, Alex Ich, is fourth in total kills with 116, and he loves to play high mobility champs with strong kill potential. Genja has an impressive 6.0 KDA, but he'll really need to have a good showing in the playoffs for Gambit to win. His lane mate, Edward, has a team low 2.1 KDA. Diamond in the jungle hasnt had a great year, but he is still a very dangerous Jungler. I expect to see some bans thrown at him: Eve, Kha'Zix and Xin (yes, Xin) are all strong in patch 4.5. If one gets through, it will be banned the next game. Darien plays a solid Top. He just needs to just go tanky and stay away from the Ryze pick.

ROCCAT had some serious ups and downs (including moments of freefall) and they needed to stop the bleeding. They went an average 2-2 in Super Week right before playoffs and havent been so dominant since early in season when they were challenging the meta. Teams have caught grown accustomed to their play style, and they are facing a team that has toyed with the meta a few times themselves. Individually, their stats dont really stand out but, as a team, they are solid across the board. Their Support, Vander, actually leads the team in KDA at 4.1, followed closely behind by Celavar with a 4.0 KDA. Overpower has a huge champion pool and can seemingly play whatever. Xaxus in the Top Lane is a solid, all-around player. Jankos has good synergy with Bot and works hard on getting them going.

Prediction GAMBIT 2-1 win. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

EU Challenger Spring Playoffs

The EU Challenger Spring Playoffs - Semifinals are on today and if you haven't watched them before, it's a good time to start watching them now, because THIS is for those coveted spots in the relegation matches. Semifinal matches are a Best of 3 series.'s Matches:

1. Cloud9 HyperX Eclipse vs Denial Esports 

2. Ninjas in Pyjamas vs Reason Gaming 

And as for our LCS Central Predictions:

Cloud9 and NiP will both expected.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

NA LCS Sun, April 6th - Super Week

Today's Matches: 

1. Team Dignitas vs Counter Logic Gaming
2. Evil Geniuses vs Curse
3. XDG vs Team SoloMid
4. Cloud9 vs Team Coast
5. XDG vs Evil Geniuses

One last chance at redemption for all....


Thursday, April 3, 2014

NA LCS W11D1 Thur, April 3 - Super Week

Today's Matches:

1. Cloud 9 HyperX vs XDG
2. Team Coast vs Curse
3. Counter Logic Gaming vs Cloud 9 HyperX
4. Team Dignitas vs Curse
5. Evil Geniuses vs Team SoloMid



Sunday, March 30, 2014

NA LCS W10D2 Sun, March 30th

Today's Matches: 

1. Counter Logic Gaming vs XDG
2. Curse vs Team SoloMid
3. Cloud 9 HyperX vs Team Dignitas
4. Evil Geniuses vs Team Coast

C9 have tied TSM for first place. Can they steal it away?