As a new era ends - a new one begins. Yet another season of League of Legends comes to an end and now is the time to get hype. New rosters are being created. Updated map, new items, new metas, nerfs and buffs. Let's not forget the new rules that have been introduced into the LCS and two extra teams have been added to the line-up. One of the things many of you are excited about is that your rank will be cleared for you to start the grind all over again. As for me? New skins, of course, and splash arts.
Let me introduce myself. I've been playing league for a little over a year now. More to say I started around all-stars 2013. I wasn't the best player, still am not. But I love the community (aside from the trolls and baddies that should never pick up a keyboard). I watched as rosters got shuffled and saw some of my favorite pros go to other teams or retire from playing. Along came Worlds of 2013 and I watched as SKT Telecom T1 hoisted the Summoners Cup and became our Korean overlords. At this point, I wasn't as deep into League itself or as hyped for the LCS/OGN. But little by little, teams I once disliked for my own silly reasons grew on me. My knowledge for the game grew. I became addicted to staying in the know. I had to know all changes being done. Followed everything League related, and here I am now.
A year later, I'm as addicted to League of Legends as smokers are to cigarettes. We watched new legends rise, old ones fade. Worlds was amazing nonetheless, but we all know only one team can be the best in the world. And that team was Samsung Galaxy White. League of Legends basically went from having a small number of fans and views - to over millions from all around the world. This is what we're part of. Believe it or not, it's history - the first game to become as huge as it has, bigger even than StarCraft. This is thanks to us, the fans, community and gamers that devote all of our free time to something as simple as a game.
So here we are, it's off-season. All I can do is look back from where I began to where I am myself. I struggled like any other player to get out of bronze, to get out of silver, and to finally reach gold. I became so devoted that for an entire year, I spent hours watching streamers that have showed me ways of improving or watched pro's YouTube channels. I religiously watched LCS and would often stay up late just to watch OGN. I made it my homework to keep up with changes minute or large. It's not just a game anymore, nor just a hobby, but a way of life for me. It's become something amazing, to get to meet so many others like me. To get followed by some pro players is like getting known by a famous celebrity. That's how much of an impact League of Legends has been in my life.
Season 5 will be another year. So much to look forward to. Already we heard rumors of roster swaps. It has been announce that LMQ is no more, and will be a new team in the making. Dignitas very own Michael “ImaQTPie” Santana announced on twitter his departure from Dig, later on stream he mention he had no intention or interest in joining any other team. Other possible rumor is that NintendudeX, MakNooN and Nien have something fishy going on. Let me remind you, this information is based solely off rumors and nothing has been a confirmed leak. Aren't you already excited? So much build up already and it's only a few days into the official off-season. There's at least eleven current pro players off contract. Thanks to @Alexpenn "NA LCS Players off contract now (1/3): Zion, Crumbzz, Shiphtur, imaqtpie, KiWiKiD, Seraph, Voyboy, ackerman, NoName, Mor, Vasilii." for making updates of it. And three free agents so far in EUW impaler, Alex Ich, and Dexter. Curiosity of to what will happen, who will they join if any, and what's to come. Are you hyped yet?
We've all seen and heard about the new expansion, and changes to the map. It will look like a new map entirely, with buffs being added to it, new look for baron and dragon, as well as them being buffed. Part of me is excited, but the other part can't help but think that adding buffs to the rift will make the game a lot different and more one sided. On a plus side, it gives you more reasons to fight and more objectives to defend. As far as the meta goes. I can't say I know which way the tables will turn. I just hope we get to see new champions being played. Seeing the same champs for an entire season has its toll. I hope the pool of champions used expands and we start seeing champs like Ashe, Diana, Azir, Varus and Shaco just to see something different. I would like to see the potential other champs have or could have with the proper mechanics. That would include the new and improved Sion along with Gnar. During Season 4 we had seven new champs. Can you imagine how many more are to come? Including reworks, who they will nerf or buff? Not to mention our greatest addiction, who will get new skins in the upcoming season?
It's unbelievable the amount of growth of this community that everyone thought was just a game. It's not just a game. It's a way of living. The fans and community help create and build up the hype, It’s all of you who have helped the game shape to what it is now. The creators, for giving us what we want, something to look forward to. Think of it this way, if League of Legends was never created, you wouldn't know nor have gotten to know half the people you do. Whether it was through twitter or playing the game. Not to mention many have met in real life after some time, and some have built a family, all with the one simple common thing that has taken over your life: League of Legends. I know that the struggle gets real out in the real world. And we all look for our escape, and many of us found it playing video games, and living in our virtual world. Some don't understand how some game can make us happy. But I know that feeling all too well. When that one play makes you get up off your chair, when that one cute pro player you fangirl/fanboy about notices you. When you get your first Penta, or steal someone else’s. When you get retweeted by @lolesports. Those moments are the ones we enjoy. They are what make us smile or maybe it's just me? But I'm ready, my body is ready. Season 5 here we come. Please be good to us, gives us a good show, let there not be as many trolls while I grind my way out of whatever placement I get and let the hype begin!