
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Did Piglet Deserve More? Thoughts on the Team Liquid Interview.

After the first five weeks, Team Liquid management was not content with the performance of their S3 World Champion ADC, Chae “Piglet” Gwang-Jin, and benched him for the upcoming weeks for Rookie ADC, KeithMcBrief. Team Liquid management took some time out to speak with Ongamers' Travis Gafford about their decision. This article is a reaction to that interview.

(Screenshot From the Ongamers Interview)

by Michael "Tribble" Godani

First of all, let me state that I do not normally occupy myself with the NA LCS because I'm mainly a LPL watcher and journalist, but I did take a moment to reply to their interview because of my strong feelings on it.

Before the interview even started, while watching the introductions of the management of Team Liquid, I noticed that only Peter Zhang, the team coach, seemed properly dressed for the occasion. As Travis stated (and the management of Team Liquid agreed) the situation with Piglet was quite serious, and considering they were there to explain the situation to fans and critics around the world, I feel like head analyst, Mark Zimmerman, and manager, Steve Perino, may have missed the mark in their casual appearance. 

The management discussed problems that Piglet had and how he was on a different level compared to his teammates, but I didn't take this to mean he was better or worse than them. Rather, he just had a different way of seeing the game and how they should play it.

I found myself annoyed with Steven Perino's response when Travis asked if Piglet felt lonely in the gaming house and what was being done about that specific issue. Perino said, “We would include him in every single thing that we did,” in past tense, as if Piglet was already history for the Team Liquid Management. Also, he made it sound as if it was a privilege to be there on team building nights or nights out with the team, and it struck me as unprofessional and immature.

Perino also mentions that they went through a number of translators so that Piglet could understand what was being discussed in team meeting. Let me just say that if you bring in a non-English speaking foreign player, it is your obligation to make sure that he understands. No need to act as if you did something heroic by making sure that one of your employees understood what was being said in team meetings.

Steve also says that aside from the language barrier, Piglet did understand the details when it comes to the game itself. This statement blew my mind. We are talking about a player who has won:

Champion Summer 2013
Korea Regional Finals 2013
Season 3 World Championship 2013
NLB Summer 2014
All stars 2014
Champions Winter 2014

Quite an impressive list, knowing that none of the players in Team Liquid has ever come close to any of those achievements. Piglet knows a lot about the game and understands it pretty well, not to mention about the time it took him to acquire his Master Tier slot in the NA soloQ. So, I found Steve's statement flippant. Hopefully he didn't mean it in the way that I interpreted it, but it did come out that way.

During the whole interview, Steve seemed more busy trying to save his own ass then actually contributing to the issue. When he spoke about benching Piglet, he stated that he printed out three pages “in Korean” that addressed the issues and the expectations from the Team Liquid Management.

One thing that also bothered me is that Steve said that “IWD & Xspecial really liked Keith.” I don’t think that should be an issue for professionals, should it? It makes work easier, but it isn't necessary or even mandatory when it comes to working together to win games. All that matters is that you have one goal and that is to win games by stomping your enemies as fast as possible. 

For the people that might disagree with me here, please take a look at Star Horn Royal Club from last season. Insec and Uzi hated each other, yet they still managed to get all the way to the finals of Worlds. So, it is not needed to get a long with everyone in your team.
Piglet is the biggest player that has ever been imported into the NA LCS and he still is, despite the fact that he's been benched. Bringing a world champion adc into your team like Piglet, a player who is meant to carry your team and make crazy good plays, you would think that they would have been prepared to cater the team around him. Let me give an examples so that everyone can have a clear idea about what I mean.

TSM used to focus on Top and Bot lane ganks and leave Regi to his own devices, but when they acquired Bjergsen, that changed. The team refocused around mid, giving Bjerg's lane a ton of attention with ganks and wards to help get the young Dane rolling. (Get Bjergsen rolling, GGEZ is what the fans would say.) Was it easy for the team to adjust to this? Not really. Dyrus was a “victim” of this tactic and struggled a bit when he had to adapt, but he did, which makes him a very respected and great League of Legends player. 

With all due respect, none of the players that are currently on Team Liquid have the right to look down on Piglet or to be annoyed towards him, because he is a better player overall and he has proven that time and time again. Team Liquid would do well to have the team adapt to Piglet's playstyle rather than the other way around, I mean really, you get a player like Piglet just to bench him because he doesn't like the way that the team plays? He's the big name, he should be the one that carries the game by having four people play for him. 

The general feeling that I get here is that Team Liquid’s management find it easier to bench Piglet then to try and make it work for him and the team. Yes, it’s easy to remove the person who is being bullied out of a group instead of trying to solve the bullying and make it work.

I truly hope that Piglet will leave the NA LCS and return to a team with professional management who will work to accommodate him. So I will end my article saying #FREEPIGLET!

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