
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

NACL Winter Playoffs Kick Off Tonight!

by Jodi "PunkLit" McClure

Oh, hello NACL Winter Playoffs. I nearly forgot all about you between the lengthy Expansion Tournament and the excitement of IEM, and yet, here you are, ready to let us have a second look at some great upcoming LCS talent.

Starting tonight, eight teams will be competing over a period of two weeks for their share of a $15,000 prize pool, with the final 3 teams being flown to the Live LAN Finals at the cool ass AFK Gamer Lounge in San Jose, Ca. Featured teams include expansion tournament semi-finalists, Final Five, tournament stand-outs compLexity White and Enemy eSports, and challenger veterans, COGnitive Gaming. Zenith eSports, Ignition Gaming, Inertia Gaming and Storm round out the diverse roster of Winter Playoff hopefuls.

The games will be called by everyone's favorite rapidcaster, the experienced and talented Reid "RAPiD" Melton and will be viewable on the NACLeSports' Twitch channel. Patch 4.20 will be in use. Who will be the NACL's newest breakaway stars? Come watch and find out! Games start at 8pm EST!

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