
Friday, December 19, 2014

An Old Challenge for the New Gambit

by Kranthi "SnowKid" Kumar

Season-4 has been a nightmare for Gambit Gaming. Due to VISA issues and a lot internal issues, Gambit suffered a lot. Gambit Gaming finished 7th Place in 2014 EU - LCS Summer split and got relegated.

Gambit Gaming faced SK-Gaming Prime in 2015 EU LCS Spring Promotion and managed to win the series 3:1, earning back their LCS spot.

Recently, Gambit Gaming  has revealed their starting line up for upcoming tournaments:

* Cabochard - Top
* Diamondprox - Jungle
* niQ - Mid
* P1noy - AD carry
* Edward - Support

-> Cabochard : Lucas "Cabochard" Simon-Meslet originates from France. He replaced Darien as a top laner. He previously played for NiP Gaming as a top laner. He is known for his confident laning phase.

-> Diamondprox : Danil "Diamondprox" Reshetnikov originates from Russia, He is one of the most experienced players in the organization. He often refers to ex-Gambit players Darien and Genja as his best friends. He is known as an 'innovator' due to his innovative jungle picks. He revolutionized Counter Jungling and played a crucial part in Gambit's journey.

-> niQ : Sebastian"niQ" Robak originates from Poland. He was named as temporary mid laner when Alex Ich departed. He quickly became a permanent member as the season progressed. He previously played for Denial eSports as mid laner.

->P1noy : Kristoffer "P1noy" Pedersen  originates from Denmark. He played a crucial role in helping Gambit Gaming to make their way back to LCS. He changed his nickname 'Krislund' to 'P1noy' after he got picked up by Gambit. He often states that 'Corki' is his favourite Champ. He replaced Genja as the ADC for Gambit Gaming.

-> Edward : 'Edward' Abgaryan originates from Armenia. He was previously known as GosuPepper. He was named ' Thresh prince' due to his excellent Thresh skills. Sona is the best support according to him. He left Gambit due to misunderstandings with Genja and team atmosphere. He joined Curse briefly before returning to Gambit in November 2013. His aggressive play style often picks him up kills on his lane which earned him the title of  'Support Carry.'

Gambit Gaming has been voted for IEM Cologne 2014 Dec 19 - Dec 21. As Gambit's new line-up make their way to Cologne, it will be a great challenge ahead of them. Gambit will be facing Team Dignitas or Aces Full on Dec 20th. Gambit has historically done great in previous IEM's, let's see if the new Gambit can make a mark. Good Luck Gambit !!

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