Communication issues seemed to plague Millenium's freshly revamped roster, but that didn't stop them from beating all comers in the EU Black Monster Cup C division. New jungler, H0R0, and new mid, Ryu, both played under par, disappointing fans who had hoped the Korean pair could inject fresh life into the struggling team. Of course, it's still too early to pass judgement, and there's always the chance that additional practice will yield better synergy coming into Season 5, but only time will tell. In the meantime, LCS FanZone's Anel Musinovic gives a full run down of both games for us.
Game 1
Champion Select: Virtus.Pro first picks Kha’Zix, which means Creaton can grab his beloved Lucian, a champion he excelled on last season. Virtus rounds out their comp with Mundo, Orianna, Corki and Thresh. Millenium picks up Nami for Jree, Rumble for Kev1n, Jarvan IV for H0R0 and then Ryu surprises everyone with a last pick Leblanc! Read More...
Champion Select: Virtus.Pro first picks Kha’Zix, which means Creaton can grab his beloved Lucian, a champion he excelled on last season. Virtus rounds out their comp with Mundo, Orianna, Corki and Thresh. Millenium picks up Nami for Jree, Rumble for Kev1n, Jarvan IV for H0R0 and then Ryu surprises everyone with a last pick Leblanc! Read More...

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