
Friday, September 19, 2014

One Too Many Shots Fired?

by Sam "PikaPea"

At exactly 1:51 AM pst on Sep 18, 2014, TSM's Andy "Reginald " Dinh posted what I would consider to be a highly unprofessional post.

Followed by TSM's current coach Yoonsup "Locodoco" Choi posting:

Watching LCS and all the related pro scenes in League of Legends, I understand there has always been bickering and trash talk, but sometimes teams take it too far. How far can this go before they come to realize that, as professionals, they have a fan base, and their decisions and comments can reflect poorly on their organization.

League of Legends might just be an eSport, only known well by the gaming community, but for those that devote their time and make League of Legends their religion, we hear all about these things, especially the drama. As outsiders, we might not know all the details or facts, but this appears to be hate directed at MonteCristo based on his comments on a very public show.

Summoning Insight, in my opinion, was created for personal input and reviews. So many teams have been talked bad about as well as pointing out their good factors. And yes, it's obvious individuals from TSM took it to heart. Understandable, but even so, Monte (and Thorin) does this to many. This childish behavior from two individuals of TSM can make the entire team seem unprofessional, especially coming from the coaches. Why sink to someone’s level?

What Reginald and Locodoco don't seem to understand is that in NA, and even the world, TSM has a wide fan base, and when they say things like this, the fans that look up to their team might not look at them the same. Or, they might think this is okay behavior - trash talking in return for trash talking, and it shouldn't be that way. Everything has its own effect on the whole situation. I don't know who's in the right or the wrong. But it’s becoming childish, and just a mockery that needs to flame out.


*Both Locodoco and Reginald have since issued apologies which can be read here:

Locodoco = Apology to Monte and Community 
Reginald = Apology to Community

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