
Friday, August 22, 2014

Underestimated Items Part 2:

by Reece "SabrewoIf" Dos-Santos 

Sword of the Occult

In this meta, it's becoming a lot more common to see hyper-carries snowball their games out of control while having the hard protection of the new breed of top laners like Alistar and Maokai. So in such a meta where snowballing AD Carries are seemingly more important than ever, why do most choose to ignore the basic snowballing item? Simply put, most people choose to ignore the benefits of Sword of the Occult because of the drawback of losing stacks when you die, but also because the item choices for an AD carry are typically very rigid. Statistically speaking, if you come back to lane with a fresh Sword of the Occult, you will be coming back with less power than you could have had building up to another item. Sword of the Occult will always remain a situational pick, a buy that is made when the user has complete confidence in their ability to wait out its low power period and build up the stacks. A typical time where I would purchase the item myself is when you know your jungler is coming for a gank while you are still at base or in the build up to the first dragon fight as both provide easy opportunities to gather assists and kills immediately from purchase, thus voiding the period of low power that the item has while unstacked. With a correctly timed purchase, you can change the game with Sword of the Occult, but with a badly timed purchase you could also do the same. The item is only as efficient as its user. 110 AD and 15% movement speed at full stacks is a prize that shouldn't be overlooked if attainable and right now it’s more attainable than it’s ever been before.

Wit's End

I myself am very surprised at how underestimated Wit's End is as an item. In my opinion, ranged auto attackers with magic damage in their kit like Nidalee, Tristana and Teemo could greatly benefit from both the 50% attack speed boost and 25% magic resistance, but on top of that; the way these champs are played allows for frequent and efficient use of the passive which both adds 42 magic damage per hit onto basic attacks as well as stealing 5 magic resist from the enemy, stacking 5 times while adding 5 to your own. These are not light statistics. A typical Nidalee player could see an even greater burst potential from fully stacking Wit's End, applying the hunted debuff and finishing off with an even stronger Takedown. Similarly, a Tristana might choose to build Wit's End as their attack speed item to further boost the potential of her Explosive Shot and Buster Shot while stacking to be more resistant against a magic damage team. Wit's End also sees benefit on tanky melee auto attacking champs like Volibear and Warwick, both stacking well with their ultimates and the latter being able to fully stack the passive immediately with the 5 hits of Infinite Duress.  Another seemingly unknown benefit of Wit's End is its ability to counter the passive of Thornmail. The on-hit effect of Wit's End not only ignores Thornmail’s passive, but slowly reduces the damage of the reflected damage with each stack while making Wit's End’s passive damage stronger, allowing for a champion, who initially took more damage than they dealt against Thornmail, to negate the item and deal more than Thornmail can reflect.

Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer is an item that got immediately glossed over upon its release; it isn't built on many champions and is generally ignored in favour of other support items most likely because of the specificity of its passive’s benefits and the seemingly low stats it provides the owner. However, it should certainly be considered as a first or second item on any AP support like Nami, Morgana and Janna. In lane trades, you cannot afford to ignore a benefit such as 25% extra attack speed onto your AD Carry for a whole 6 seconds which can be refreshed by another heal or shield; making Janna by far the biggest benefactor of this item by applying the passive with every tick of Monsoon as well as Eye of the Storm. In addition to being proc’d off of champion abilities, Ardent Censer can also be activated through the use of items that heal and shield such as Mikael's Crucible and Locket of the Iron Solari. A powerful combo of items on heavily AD teams is Ardent Censer and Locket because activating the latter provides the attack speed boost of the former to all allies affected by the shield. This item also allows for champions like Tristana with Attack Speed steroids already implemented into their kit to further excel while allowing other AD Carries that lack an Attack Speed boost to try and keep up without being out DPS’d. Lucian particularly benefits from the extra Attack Speed as it provides a more satisfying Culling. This also stacks with Youmuu’s Ghostblade, which could greatly increase the DPS of Lucian’s ultimate as well as any ADC’s DPS in general.

Banner of Command

Banner of Command is the product of reworking the old Summoner Spell: Promote, which showed promise but was simply outclassed by other Summoner Spells in usefulness. As an item, the active is now far more accessible and a great way to affect map pressure while picking up CS from across the map. An effective use of a siege minion promotion can easily turn map pressure against your opponent for being out of position. A typical time to use the active would be in the bottom lane when a baron dance is occurring, this way while minutes are passed battling for the objective you are still gaining map pressure through effective split pushing. To opposite effect, you could have the active promoted minion pushing the top lane while you dance around the Dragon. This item also allows for a double split push in the sense that you could be pushing a lane yourself and providing 15% extra damage to your nearby minions while using the active in another lane to keep pressure on another side of the map. If you even desire to take the minion siege party act further, you can build the Captain enhancement on your boots and provide 20% movement speed to nearby minions as well as the extra damage from Banner of Command. While Banner of Command won’t help infamous Tryndamere’s push out even harder, it can be an enormous asset to AP champions that wish to split push or gain more control. 80 AP and 20% CDR aren’t even laughable stats either; they’re both very helpful and high stats that put the item on par with most others in terms of usefulness. The real key to building Banner of Command is how often and actively you utilize the active and passive. If you plan to spend a lot of time creating map pressure as an AP champion, this is a must buy in my opinion. Another overlooked effect of this item is that the passive increasing minion damage also affects the pets of certain champions such as Elise’s Spiderlings, Heimerdinger’s turrets and Zyra’s plants, but unfortunately doesn't affect Annie’s Tibbers. 

*If you haven't already seen it, be sure to check out Underestimated Items Part 1.  

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