
Thursday, July 10, 2014

League of Legends' Fan Art : Almost as Popular as the Game

League of Legends' fan page on deviantArt boosts over 12,000 members, 14,000 watchers, and just topped One Million page views - and that's just one of about forty League groups that occupy the well-known internet art site. There are pages just for League cosplay, wallpapers and crafts, and one devoted solely to yordles. Because League is filled with over a hundred unique and interesting's a enormous magnet for artists.

Searching the top viewed League pictures there, you'll find a who's who of fan favorites. There's Sona, Ahri, Ashe, and this incredibly dramatic portrayal of Garen by artist David Rapoza.  

Garen by DavidRapozaArt 

League drawings spread across a vast spectrum, from the immensely popular anime styles to more traditional paintings. There's adorable chibis, funny cartoons and gorgeous interpretative art.  

Riven and Talon by LeeKosi

Couples are a common theme on deviantArt. Fans love to pair off champions. There's a lot of dA romance going on. Lulu cuddles up to Veigar and Ezreal is hot for Lux:  

Ezreal and Lux by justduet

And only in art will you find  sworn enemies discovering forbidden love: 

Garen and Kat by eliskalti

There's also a lot of unusual pairings like Riven and Zac, Volibear and Sejuani, Amumu and Annie. In fact, you could probably enter any two champion names together and find a couple picture of them somewhere.   

Rengar and Nidalee by LionKinEn
Which brings us to Rule 34, and the sure knowledge that every possible sexual pairing in league has been explored. Perhaps not all on deviantArt, but one can easily do a search online and find their favorite champions nude and in bed.  

Katarina and Ashe by sharrm
League fans don't just stick to two dimensional art. They create their beloved champions in papercraft and sculpt them in polymar clay. Poros, Teemo mushrooms and Cait's cupcakes grace everything from earrings to charm bracelets. Champions are knitted into amigurumi and sewn into plushies. Even sneakers become canvas.

Cho-Gath by nataliarey

Comics are another popular art form that League has influenced. Besides Skyen's popular Caster Comix, there are some wonderfully innovative comics and graphic novels found on deviantArt's pages. I would especially recommend  The Bounty Hunter by Andrea Leon and Night's Aegis by ShiNaa. 

Night's Aegis by ShiNaa

Custom skin ideas show-off these artists amazing creativity. Some of them are based on current in-game themes, and some are completely over the top, but they are nearly all good enough to make us pull out our wallets if Riot ever implemented them. Who wouldn't want to play with this glorious Sakura Maokai?  

 Sakura Maokai by Uriak 

Videos and streams that show the artist at work are incredible to watch, especially when they give you instructions on how to do it yourself. Also fun is TravagGames, who puts up videos of his friend Rob drawing League champions he's never seen before off verbal descriptions alone. 

If you'd like to become a member of deviantArt's most popular League of Legends group, head on over to and join up!

*Art used with permission from artist. If you like their work, please be sure to visit their pages and leave them a nice note. :) 

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