
Thursday, May 15, 2014

LCS Central's Question of the Day!

We asked:
What Champion was the hardest for you to learn?
Certain Champions appeared to be more vexing than others! Here's some of what you had to say:

  • Elise! First transforming champion I played so I ended up getting confused a lot and just button mashing hoping for the best - Judar ‏@PikaJudar
  • Bought Elise, played a game, refunded. Bought Khazix, played a game, got mecha Khazix. - Brandeezy ‏@Im_Brandeezy
  • Elise. Several attempts and I'm still none the wiser. Orianna is the same. I just get nowhere with them. - кαчʟεıɢн ‏@Kayleighh_x
  • Elise :P It's the transforming that gets me haha, so many choices. - Heather ‏@owlxie
  • Elise. She was my first transformation champ :3 but last year she was my main. - Conrad Von Newman ‏@BaronVoNewman 
  • Leblanc for me, as a main jungler it was so hard at first. - Alexandre S. ‏@eclecticvenus 
  • Leblanc. There's something very beautiful about playing Leblanc, it's either get fed or feed, it's like art. For me, I was fart. - Martin Eriksson ‏@PyunTaeFoo
  • Simply Leblanc :). Every time I play her, I'm confused which build or combo should I go to maximize her damg. Plus her E is hard. - Rays ‏@RaysPham
  • Leblanc. I can play any other champ fine, haha. - Narokuu 死の天使 ‏@Narokuu
  • Still can get the hang of Draven, so many things to keep track of in order to optimize your use of him. Making sure to use axes to cs for passive, catching axes, keeping 2 up, refreshing W constantly, it's so much to do. - Arron Dempsey ‏@ArronDempers
  • Ryze and Draven, I've tried so hard to learn those two because they're both really strong but I just can't do it. - Dominic Broadhead ‏@HanzoKurosawa 
  • I still think Draven was one of the hardest ADCs to master. Hitting that catch and throw rhythm isn't always easy. - Alec C ‏@Gambit_Le3tha 
  • Draven x) - Reflexink ‏@Reflexink
Vayne, Orianna and Syndra:
  • Might have been Vayne for me, she can only apply AA but her movement coordination is so difficult if you wanna live while dealin dmg. - Waljakovo ‏@Waljakovo
  • Vayne for me but now I'm God with her. - joshua röder ‏@RderVayne
  • Vayne and Syndra :3 - foxxy ‏@letsgetfoxxy 
  • Syndra. She's not the champ for me. I tried once and I gave up in life. XD - Kristaaaaal ‏@FluffyKristal
  • Vayne + Orianna for me, still learning! - Connor Spaulding ‏@ConnorSpaulding
  • Orianna. I can never keep track of the ball :/ - Joey ‏@TheRockHD
  • Ori. She balled way too hard for me. - Kerwin ‏@CaiusTSR
Zed, Kha'Zix, Rumble:
  • I can not play Zed. I suck xD for some reason I can only play with mages. I gotta work on dat lol - Mayu Amu Hinamori ‏@MayuAmuHinamori
  • Kha'Zix. He was the first I ever loved playing although I sucked. Now he's one of my best. - Lux ‏@adorbss
  • Rumble, he doesn't have the same mechanics as any other character, and eventually I settled to be mediocre with him. - Aaron Zeatlow ‏@A_zargast
  • Rumble was very tough for me, I prob can't play him anymore - Pieter Cnudde ‏@antdrioite
  • I can't play Zed to save my life. - Yamustache ‏@LoLYamazuya
And surprisingly...Ashe:
  • Ashe..and Varus..sad I know I can play Ori with no problems but ask me to use an arrow and it's like I'm a nub or sumthin. Katie Diegan ‏@kate_diegan 
  • Ashe. I'm not a good ADC as it is, and I am not a fan of auto-attacks. Rito pls nerf. - Jt 'Ribbwich' Egbert ‏@_ribbwich
  • Ashe, after 2,5 years I still cannot play her. - Victor KlebΞrg ‏@zquaredninja
Twisted Fate, Jinx, Varus and Irelia also got a couple of mentions. So kudo's to anyone who can play these champions've mastered other people's nightmares. :) 

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