
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Here a Braum, there a Braum...

Everywhere a Braum...Braum...

New Champions - Insta-locked and played like crazy for a week after their release. With little exception, every normal I played today had two Braums in it, each throwing up their cool ass shields and laying out their spiky blue lines of death. Our happy little rift poros were certainly well-protected! Personally, I found Braum just annoying enough to make a great lane opponent, and just kill-able enough to not seem ridiculously OP. I declare him amazingly well-balanced straight out of the box. The question is, will we still see him next week, or will players return to Leona and more traditional tanky supports?

So what do you think, Summoners? Is Braumania here to stay? 

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