
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Question of the Day:

Patch 4.5 will be live in the play-offs. Which teams do you think will be most affected by the changes?

Here were some of your responses:

‏@MikeakaCopper wrote: it will be @theAllianceGG thier pure awesomeness will lead them to victory even after such a short time of practice on 4.5!

@MadCastEmperor wrote : C9. Not in a bad way. They've shown how versatile they can be with their champs. Looking forward to seeing that versatility again.

@AbePringle wrote: TSM. They mentioned how they have a hard time adjusting to patches. They were all on last night learning the changes.

@PattonDidlt wrote: Nocturne will be back so Meteos will get targeted hard. C9 needs serious watching

@nuggetsauce wrote: TSM :( The 4.5 changes trade defense for early aggression. AS Quints buffed might mean we see some Udyr or Xin jungle. Aatrox back in EU.

@JesseVind wrote: All the bottom teams that can't adapt. CLG and C9 will play best on it.

‏@Reckcer wrote: feel like CLG because of the Lulu nerfs because they ran her a lot to get a ton of wins in the middle of the season.

‏@Im_Brandeezy wrote: Bjergsen will be hit with the Gragas nerf/buff if he decides to run a game of him. Although he has plenty of tricks with Gragas...

‏@HermanWiffler wrote: idk why but I just got a feeling Dig might just start going ham at Playoffs. Dont quote me on that though.

@Konman81 wrote: TSM because they suck at adjusting, also SK was super strong on old patches it may wear off now...

@GoonLvOver9000 wrote: XDG because...they are XDG
Got an opinion? Send your answer to @punklit and we'll add it to the forum. 

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