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Saturday, March 21, 2015
EU LCS Possible Relegation Scenarios
by Reece " SabrewoIf " Dos-Santos Remaining Games : E L - GIA, FNC CW - ROC, GIA GIA - EL, CW MYM - SK, ROC ROC...
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Week 9 LPL Preview : The Indomitable Team WE returns from IEM
by Michael " Tribble " Godani After upsetting friend and foe by eliminating both Korean contenders for IEM, Team Wor...
EU LCS Week 8 Preview : Battle of The Animals!
by Reece " SabrewoIf " Dos-Santos We’re back for Week 8 of the EU LCS, some teams in high spirits and some looking to shake...
Monday, March 16, 2015
Week 8 LPL Review
A week without our beloved Team World Elite but with the comeback of Namei, a triple LGD confrontation and OMG facing Snake. A week full...
TSM Wins IEM!!
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