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Friday, July 4, 2014
When is the right time to challenge Baron?
by Reece " Sabrewolf " Dos-Santos Baron Nashor, a global buff and the strongest buff in the game. It is capable of turni...
A Quick List of Early Game Tips for Each Role.
(.... that Can Sometimes Decide Your Lane!) by Evil_Toaster Top Laners : If you take teleport, don't just take it becaus...
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Reworked and Remastered - Skarner Edition
by Jerrod " Thousand Eyes " Steis I’ve already gone over Nidalee and her rework, so now it’s time t...
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
NA LCS Puzzle Time!
*Stumped? Scroll down for the answers! Our bespectacled players are: 1. Quas 2. Seraph 3. Imaqtpie 4. Meteos ...
Friday, June 27, 2014
Reworked and Remastered - Nidalee Edition
By Jerrod "Thousand Eyes" Steis Major reworks everywhere! Rito has just released two major kit reworks for vastly ...
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