
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Looking At the Gold Efficiency of the Patch 4.21 Dragon

With Riot increasing their “strategic diversity” in terms of objective control, dragon now gives non-monetary rewards instead of the global gold it gave in Season 4. The most widely-appreciated of these rewards is the bonus percentage AD and AP. However, the balance team at Riot decided that the 8% bonus given in Patch 4.20 was a bit overtuned, so it has been changed to 6% in 4.21. For those not familiar with gold efficiency, it is the idea that champion stats have a certain gold value based on the basic items for that stat. In other words, it is a ratio of your benefit to your cost of buying an item.

This idea of gold efficiency can be extended to the dragon changes—a team can be thought of as forgoing the old global gold of the dragon (190 gold for each team member when dragon is level 7) to “buy” this 6% increase in AD and AP. For example, if someone got 190 gold worth of stats from the dragon, then they could be said to have 100% gold efficiency compared to the old dragon. Note that this is a sort of “scaling” gold efficiency, since we’re comparing a percentage AD/AP bonus (which increases over time) to the constant 190 gold a player would have received in Patch 4.19.

So let’s get into the numbers. An average time for first dragon (as computed by random games from various solo queue elos, IEM, and OGN) is something like 10-13 minutes. On Patch 4.20, the dragon bonuses would have been (roughly) as follows:

AP Champions
Approximate AP@10
Bonus AP
Worth of Bonus AP
Gold Efficiency@10
AP laner/jungler
139 gold
Negligible        ------------------------------------------------------>

AD Champions
Approximate AD@10
Bonus AD
Worth of Bonus AD
Gold Efficiency@10
AD solo laner
346 gold
288 gold
AD jungler
310 gold

These approximate AD/AP values are estimates based on the base values of popular champions, common rune and mastery pages, and a few “normal” builds for those popular champions.
On 4.21, here are those same values with the 6% bonuses:

AP Champions
Approximate AP@10
Bonus AP
Worth of Bonus AP
Gold Efficiency@10
AP laner/jungler
104 gold
Negligible        ------------------------------------------------------>

AD Champions
Approximate AD@10
Bonus AD
Worth of Bonus AD
Gold Efficiency@10
AD solo laner
260 gold
216 gold
AD jungler
227 gold

It is also important to understand the changes to the vales from 4.20 to 4.21, so here they are:
Change in Bonus Value@10
AP laner/jungler
Lost 35 gold
AD solo laner
Lost 86 gold
Lost 72 gold
AD jungler
Lost 83 gold

This effectively means that champions which scale with AP were hit less by the 4.21 dragon changes—buying AP is cheaper than buying AD, after all. The dragon buff is still typically “gold efficient” on AD champions, but is just barely halfway to being gold efficient on AP champions (until they get 146 AP, when they “break even” compared to the old rewards). It is worth noting that since AP champions tend to amass much more AP later on in the game than AD champions buy AD, the scaling gold efficiency is better for an AP champion. An Orianna with 650 AP, for example, gets 39 AP, which is around 850 gold. That makes it 447% efficient, whereas a Zed with 330 AD gets only 375% gold efficiency.

To conclude, dragon in Patch 4.21 still benefits AD champions more than AP ones in the early game, and this reverses as the game goes on. Until AP champions get enough AP to break even with the old dragon gold, they aren’t too happy about the changes; once they hit 146 AP, though, they think maybe it’s not so bad after all.



Anonymous said...

Hey there, I'm doing at this moment also an analysis about this topic, and I'm interested in asking you why you separate ap an ad champions. As all the champions in lol have an AD base stat, they always are rewarded by the 6%. It's true that it is not that useful in AP champions, but it's noticeable and important imo, in the analysis.

Anyway, nice article, keep the good work ;)

Kennan French said...

I separated them because the gold efficiency of AP is significantly different than the gold efficiency of AD. I didn't put in the AD on AP champions because I didn't really think about it-- I should have, given the fact that the majority of the AD on AD champions (during the early game) comes from their base stats. I guess I mentally just lumped it into the same category as AP on Corki-- something he uses, but that isn't *super* important on him.
Some quick math based on your suggestion: ~70 AD@10 for AP champions = + ~4.2 AD = ~150 gold
Which, yeah, brings the total bonus for an AP champion to around 250 gold and gold efficiency of the new buff of 134% @10 minutes
That said, come late game it doesn't really matter on most AP champions.

Thanks! I appreciate it =)

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